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Building view-trees: Intro [Part 1]

.md | permalink | Published on December 01, 2023

When I was at Etsy, we built a server-side component library called View Trees, but also called neu (because this was quicker to type).

This is referenced in this Code As Craft blog post, which is about extending/updating the framework to output server-rendered JSX components.

After futzing around with Vue in present-me, and then reading more about similar-to-neu approaches for doing client-side interaction (like htmx, and others) based on server side rendering I wanted to revisit this library, but from a Go perspective.

This is going to be a series of posts describing an iterative approach to building this out, aming to explain why things look and the way they do through specific problems and solutions to them.

Things to keep in mind

  • In Go, we have built-in templates with the html/template package, and a standard way of compiling and rendering templates. We're not introducing a new templating language. And want to leverage the way folks already write their templates, but give them different ways to compose them (not inclusion, not inheritence).
  • There are standard HTTP handlers in the net/http package, try to integrate with that using middleware (and other standard patterns) and not introduce any http routing or anything else.
  • We want to make the interfaces small, and the composition simple and obvious.
  • Errors are recoverable!

How does go do templates?

The idiomatic way to render HTML templates is to write some data to a buffer via tpl.Execute:

import "html/template"

contents := `<div>Hi, {{ .Name }}</div>`
tpl := template.Must(template.New("hi").Parse(contents))

var bs bytes.Buffer
err := tpl.Execute(&bs, map[string]string{"Name": "Stan"})

The above snippet is an extremely simplified version of what you would do. Idiomatically, one would expect template compilation from external files that are embedded into your binary and compiled and a named type for the template data, error handling, and maybe writing to an http.ResponseWriter.

Where are we going?

html, err := Render(PersonView(Person{Name: "Stan"}))

Conceptually, what we have is piece of data, let's say a Person struct, and an html view of that that knows how to take that data and render it into HTML. We can, of course, just make a function that does this for the use case above.

But what we want is something like this:

  • A Render function that render's a view.
  • A view that is parameterized by a struct.
  • Outputting valid HTML.

The larger semantic difference is we are lifting the way we desribe our data inputs and views into being first-class "objects" (structs that can possibly have behaviors and guarantees) so we can leverage the language to do composition, parameterization, polymorphism, etc... so we can do things like components :)
